[GIS] How to create 10m DEM from 30m DEM


I am not regularly working in raster analysis.

I have a 30M DEM and I would like to create a 10 DEM out of that.

Is it possible to do this using QGIS? and How?

(I understand that a sub question can be added here itself.)
When I created the high resolution DEM, QGIS shows 2128 as the highest elevation value and ArcGIS Map shows 255 while the exact highest elevation value in the input DEM was 3260.

enter image description here

QGIS metadata shows:

But the tag is missing in the aux.xml file along with the img file.
How can I show the exact highest elevation when viewed in the Table of Contents in ArcGIS Map(for the .img DEM created in Qgis)?

Best Answer

You can create a DEM with higher resolution than the original one, just like with any other raster data.

The question is, if you really get better informations from those interpolated values.

I often do this for "cosmetic" reasons only, e.g. for obtaining a nicer hillshade layer with a less "blocky" appearance in the map.

  1. Load your DEM
  2. In the layer properties, look at the Metadata tab: Under Properties -> Dimensions you will find the pixel values for X and Y of this layer. To get a resolution of 10m from 30m, you will have to multiply those values with 3.
  3. Raster menue -> Projection -> Warp: Select your DEM layer and your output path, set resampling method to bilinear and tick the Resize check-box. Enter your multiplied values for X and Y for Width and Height.

As said, I do not discuss the sense, just the means.

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