PGW File Correction – How to Correct a .pgw File for PNG Image


I have a PNG file and I need its .pgw file to be set with NAD 83 as the projection. I have created a .pgw file:


However when I open the PNG in QGIS or ArcMap 10.2 it is not being placed in the right location. I have looked around on how to form a .pgw file and I think I am doing it right, but something is obviously missing. My PNG file has an associated KML which is where I got the coordinates for my .pgw file. My PNG and.pwg files have the same file name as well.

Best Answer

gdal_translate should be a solution, particularly the -a_ullr and -a_srs options.

Example: gdal_translate -a_ullr -122.562 37.1946 -118.1464 33.59505 -a_srs EPSG:4269 example_input.png example_output.tif

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