[GIS] How to convert the file with projections in meters to Lat-Long in QGIS ar Erdas Imagine

coordinate systemqgis

I have file in Lambert Conformal conic format for the data of Australia, Its coordinates are in meters. I want to convert it to Latitude-Longitude format. Which Projection, Spheroid and Datum I should be using if I want to convert the projections in QGIS or Erdas Imagine?

The current Specification of the file is as follow:
Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic
Spheroid: GRS 1980
Datum: GDA94-ICSM
Map Units: Meters

Many Thanks in Advance for the Answer.

Best Answer

If you want to permanently convert the data, export it to a new projection. If you just want it displayed with the Lat Long, select the CRS control down in the bottom right of the QGIS screen and change the CRS to WGS84.