QGIS – How to Convert Raster to Point


I wanted to convert Raster into Point Vector in QGIS. Is it possible? QGIS have option to convert it into polygon but i didn't found any tool to convert it into point. can anyone help me?

Best Answer

QGIS 3.4

There tool is a Raster pixels to points tool newly added in QGIS 3.4 (Oct./2018).

enter image description here Raster pixels to points

This tool works with astonishing speed. When I converted 11-megabyte single band raster to point layer (which end up with 6 million points), the process time was:

Raster pixels to points ............................................. | 10.35 sec.

Processing - SAGA Raster values to points .......... | 380 sec.

SAGA GUI - Grid Values to Points ........................... | 130 sec.

(At the moment I could not run) GRASS r.to.vect ...... | not timed.

(This may not be a fair comparison, because SAGA tools return x and y coordinates along with the raster values).

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