[GIS] how to convert grid from Saga gis to have raster in Arcgis


i am new in Saga Gis, i created grid- LS factor (from Rusle equation for erosis) in Saga gis and now i need to "put" it to Arcgis. How can i do this? I tried a lot of possibilities and none of them worked. Thanks

Best Answer

As Jay Guarneri mentionned, you can export to GeoTIFF using the Import/Export - GDAL/OGR module and GDAL: Export Raster to GeoTIFF which will create a TIF image.

Another nice way is to create a virtual raster that can be loaded in ArcGIS (verion 10 and above, I think). Virtual raster is essentially an xml file describing your raster and pointing to it. So it's not a copy, and if you update the original raster content, you'll update the vrt at the same time (except if you play with dimensions or projection). You go in Import/Export - GDAL/OGR > GDAL: Export Raster and set Format option to Virtual Raster. It's the equivalent of

gdal_translate -of VRT in.sdat out.vrt

That way you can work on your raster in saga and you just need to reload it in ArcGIS to update. No need to export it every single time.

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