[GIS] How to convert gps receiver native format to google lat long or XY format


I have received some GPS co-ordinates in the following format like – "17267690N 078279340E"..

How to convert the co-ordinates to show it on Google map.

Best Answer

the native GPS coordinate system is WGS 84, but one should be wary that the GPS could have been configured to another Lat/long system (wrong datum induce up to 150m error). Looking at your data this is most probably lat/long in decimal degree DDD.DDDDDD for Longitude and DD.DDDDDD for latitude (need to divide both by 10e6). I assume this because you probably have the same precision in Lat and Long, and you don't need three digit for Lat ( -90 to 90) contrary to Long (-180 to 180).

EDIT: However, you should make sure that it is not DD°MM.mmmm by looking at the digits after the degree: if the value never exceed 59.9999, then it was probably DD°MM.mmmm (especially if your point is in the sea, which is not the case here) as suggested by @mkennedy

after, you can convert to Web Mercator (Google maps projection). See here for the code and here for a free converter (Tatukgis)

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