[GIS] How to convert from .SHP to .MAP for mapsforge


We are using mapsforge, a Java component for Android.
This component use a proprietary format file (.map) that can be download from OpenStreetMap (OSM).

I need to use .shp maps, so I want to know how can I convert a .shp file into a .map file for mapsforge for Android

Best Answer

I think you could try passing through OSM files.

  1. Convert your shp to OSM format with http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Shp-to-osm.jar (you have to write a mapping of your columns to OSM tags)

  2. Convert this OSM file to Mapsforge with the Map Writer https://code.google.com/p/mapsforge/wiki/GettingStartedMapWriter

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