[GIS] How to convert float to raster in QGIS


I have downloaded bathymetric data into QGIS. In order to use it I need to conduct a float to raster conversion. I have not been able to find how to do this on any of the forums. I have unsuccessfully tried using 'Raster' –> 'Conversion' –> 'Translate' option but still have found no attributes in my attributes table.

Here is a shot of the float file (grey shades file in the background) and the habitat area in green. I have also opened the attribute table of the habitat area file for you to see, which shows the all the statistical areas included, the sum of which make up the entire habitat area. Eventually i am planning to use interpolation plugin (TIN) to calculate HABITAT volume. That is the purpose of this exercise.

enter image description here

Best Answer

This note you've quoted is devoted especially to ArcGIS users - Float to Raster tool is dedicated to convert float files (float reffers to file format not values type) to ArcGIS raster dataset suitable to perform further analisys in ESRI's ecosystem.

Using QGIS you can skip this step. Of course if you wish to convert float file to any other grid format - gdal_translate will do the work.

To derive volume try GRASS module r.volume of course combine it with some clipping and/or other analisis.

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