[GIS] How to convert an image of a floor plan into data that I can work with


This is more of a research question. I'm looking for aways of converting an image of a floor plant into data that I can work somehow. The end goal is to something similar to this: http://indoorosm.uni-hd.de/3d/.

I want something that allows me to store rooms and corridors informations, and then use it to trace routes between them.

It would be really helpful is someone can point me in the right direction, because the more I search the more different technologies I find, and I don't know which on would serve best my goals.

Best Answer

In JOSM you can use the PicLayer plugin an load your raster image in and digitise the data into vector indoorOSM format.

enter image description here

It will not be a 5 minute process you will have to plan a few hours into create the JOSM project and digitising will the time consuming part.


JOSM is downloaded from https://josm.openstreetmap.de/

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