[GIS] How to convert a txt file to shp


I've got a txt/csv file with the utm coordinates and the hights. Now I want to upload this into qgis. This is not a problem so far. The problem is to create a shapefile out of the data with an attribute table for adding other values to work with. Has anyone an idea how to do this?

Best Answer

There's a plugin called Add Delimited Text Layer. I believe it is included in a default 1.8 install. Once the plugin is enabled, an option appears in the Layer toolbar and menu, where the Add Vector, Add Raster, etc. options are. The wizard should be self-explanatory, but feel free to ask further if you experience issues.

An imported text file still can't be edited by QGIS. Once you've imported the layer, you can use Layer > Save As... to save a shapefile, or any other format. Save the shapefile and then import it into QGIS, and you can edit as normal.

Full help here.