[GIS] How to convert a JPEG to GeoTiff using FME


I want to convert JPEG to Geotiff in FME.

I use the following workspace
JPEG reader -> RasterExtractor -> CoordinateSystemSetter -> RasterGeoreferencer (parameter : extents) -> Reprojector -> GEOTIFF writer.

The transformation fails at the RasterGeoreferencer with error

Invalid coordinates. The four coordinates must form a rectangle, which can be rotated
RasterGeoreferencer: A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

Ok. I think what's going on is that you have the wrong parameters set in RasterGeoreferencer. The below image is WRONG:


What's going on there (and what I guess you're doing) is that I've not specified a square for the coordinates, they're going to make some weird shape. This gives me the same error you're getting.

What you need to do is enter correct, square/rectangular coordinates. So if you had a raster like this: grid

I'd enter co-ordinates like this:


Although that does turn it upside down which is possibly undesirable, but that's just trial and error. :-) Either way, it is projected now!

Also: I don't think you need the RasterExtractor (mine works fine without it) unless you want to put the raster into a specific attribute (which you don't).

Nor do you need the Reprojector because what that does is change from one coordinate system to another, but if you've set it with CoordinateSystemSetter and RasterGeoreferencer, then its already set.

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