[GIS] How to convert a bil image into grid in ArcGIS


I've downloaded RFE data from FEWSNET. It's a compressed file which includes .bil files.

Now i want to convert this ".bil image" into a grid to use the precipitation data in an area.

I'm using ArcGIS.

How do i do it?

Best Answer

I just tested this using ArcGIS for Desktop 10.2 and was able to convert a BIL file downloaded from FEWSNET to a GRID format using the Raster To Other Format (Conversion) tool.

I downloaded and unzipped the ZIP file to find the BIL file, then opened the tool.

I chose the BIL file as my Input Raster, and set the Output Workspace to a folder where I had write access (C:\temp) and the Raster Format (for output) to GRID.