[GIS] How to connect to bundle files


I tiled my mxd document using the Multithreaded MapCruncher sample located here: http://help.arcgis.com/en/sdk/10.0/arcobjects_net/conceptualhelp/index.html#//000100000mm8000000

It appears to work, the output directory has different level directories, L0, L1… which contain .bundle files.

I don't know how to connect to these .bundle files. I have looked at the DynamicCacheLayerManager, but that needs to be initialized with a layer file and the .bundle files are created with an MXD file which contains 1 or more layers (in my case 2 layers). I tried it but it didn't work. How can I connect to .bundle files? I want my application to read these files and load the images instead of re-tiling the loaded maps.

I'm using ArcEngine 10 C# VS2010 Thanks in advance.

So I guess this page:
says the following,

Once the cache is finished processing, open Engine or Desktop, navigate to the cache folder, and add the cache as a raster.

I tried using the "Open" button and the "Add Data" button and navigating to my .bundle files, but neither of these recognizes .bundles files.

Best Answer

I figured out that if you change this line

cacheStorageInfo.StorageFormat = esriMapCacheStorageFormat.esriMapCacheStorageModeCompact;

to this:

cacheStorageInfo.StorageFormat = esriMapCacheStorageFormat.esriMapCacheStorageModeExploded; 

Then the cache will be something that you can connect to using the DynamicCacheLayerManager.

I will leave the question open for a bit because I would still like to know how to connect to bundles.

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