Connect Points with Polyline in ArcMap 10 – Polyline Creation Guide


I have a layer containing a few hundred points representing a survey track. The points are laid out in chronological order in the corresponding attribute table.

How can I have ArcMap 10 automatically "connect the dots" so that I essentially turn the points into a polyline representation of my survey track?


BTW, is there a way for me to specify a few of those points for ArcMap to IGNORE when it makes the polyline?

Best Answer

Almost the same answer as Dano - his post references the one on ArcScripts. It was such a popular download this tool is included in the toolbox at 10.0

Points to Line:

And you asked about doing an ignore.... just use a selection set of the points you actually want. The tool will connect based on a field (if you choose) only your selected points.

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