[GIS] How to combine MapInfo tab files into one spatialite DB


I have many folders, each with a collection of MapInfo tab files (each folder has the same table names). For each folder I want to merge the tab files into one spatialite DB.

My current method is to use ogr2ogr to convert the tab files into shapefiles, and then use .loadshp to load each one into the DB. This truncates my column names, which is irritating.

Is there a way to avoid the shapefile part of this process? ogr2ogr can convert to spatialite, but I do not know how to go about merging multiple spatialite files.

Best Answer

You should be able to go directly from .tab to spatialite using OGR. See the spatialite format page for more details. You also don't have to create multiple dbs and merge them, just 'append' them all together from the start.

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