[GIS] How to combine layers in Google Maps

google earthgoogle mapskmlkmzlayers

Though there are many answers to this question on the Web, I've found none that are recent or correct.

The prevailing view seems to be that one exports a KMZ from Google Maps which one then edits in Google Earth where it is supposed to be possible to simply drag an element from one folder to another. This doesn't work for me.

There's no way in Google Earth to move an element from one folder to another that I can see.

What is the (currently) correct way to combine layers in Google Maps?

Best Answer

As far as I'm aware, No there is no such feature that performs the actions you are specifically looking for. As a workaround, you could export the layers as KML, import them into My Maps, that will get rid of the folder hierarchy creating a single layer map, and reimporting the custom map to MEL into a new layer.

As a step by step here:

If you want to combine two My Maps custom maps:

  1. Go to first map and select "Add a New Layer"
  2. Go to the second map and in the top menu ( three dots) and choose Export to kml-->save the file to your computer
  3. Go to first map, click into the new layer and choose Import--> import the kml file you previously saved.
  4. The two maps are combined.

There is no other method for combining maps in My Maps