[GIS] How to cluster all points in a postgis table together based on their distance from each other


I have a PostGIS (in postgres 9.3) table which has Points. I want to figure out the "clusters" in the data. If 2 points are < X distance apart, they should be added to a cluster, and this should be done recursively. In essense, a cluster is a subset of the points, where each point is within X distance of at least one other point in the cluster.

However I cannot think of any way to do this with a PostgreSQL query. Is there any single query to do this, or do I need to write a programme that will externally query the data, and build up the clusters, and continue to query for who knows how many steps?

Best Answer

If you can updgrade to postgis 2.2.0 you might be lucky because that feature has just been introduced. From the doc: "ST_ClusterWithin is an aggregate function that returns an array of GeometryCollections, where each GeometryCollection represents a set of geometries separated by no more than the specified distance."

Check this: http://postgis.net/docs/manual-2.2/ST_ClusterWithin.html

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