[GIS] How to clean up a polygon by removing vertices and lines within


After merging a set of shapefiles I've ended up with polygons that have vertices and lines within them. Is there a simple tool to remove these vertices and clean the polygon in ArcMap 10.2?

I realise the same question has been asked here, but it does not state the GIS-program and I cannot find the tool mentioned in the answer (delete ring in the advanced digitising toolbar).

EDIT: when zooming in very far, the lines and dots appear to be tiny triangles. They are not separate features, but holes in the polygons that arose from merging polygons that had not been lined up nicely. I am now looking for a way to repair there holes.

I reckon there is a simple tool to do this, but I cannot seem to find it.


Best Answer

In order to solve your problem:

  1. Create a FileGeodatabase
  2. In the FileGeodatabase create a FeatureDataset
  3. Import the shape in the FeatureDataset
  4. In the FeatureDataset create a Topology
  5. In the wizard choose next and in the Rules page click Add Rule
  6. Select "Must Not Overlap" or "Must Not Have Gaps", check "Show Errors" and click OK.
  7. Complete the wizard and validate the topology.
  8. Open the topolgy in ArcMap, you can see the errors
  9. Start editing and open the Topology toolbar
  10. On the Topolgy toolbar click on "Error Inspector"

At this time you can edit the feature class to remove errors.

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