[GIS] How to check if REST plugin is installed for GeoServer


I am having trouble uploading vector files onto GeoServer 2.4 using Import Vector in the QGIS Processing toolbox. After reading around about the 'REST' plus in I went to: http://<companyname)/geoserver/rest. However I got a 404 error as in it didn't exist even for existing files. I tried to run the same thing on my localhost and it worked.

Also when I run the tool I find an error code 404 in the log.

GeoServer is running on a company server along with Tomcat Apache 6.0

Could someone please tell me how to check the REST plug in, and if it is not installed how to get the REST plug in for GeoServer 2.4.0?

Best Answer

The rest extension should be included by default for Geoserver 2.4.x. I can confirm that is the case on my 2.4.1 installation.
You can check to see if it's installed by looking in Geoserver's WEB-INF/lib directory on the server. If you see a file similar to 'rest-2.4.0.jar,' then it is installed.

You can test to see if it's working by navigating to the same URL as the web interface, except replace 'web' with 'rest' (in a web browser).
For example http://hostname:8080/geoserver/rest/.