[GIS] How to change the name of “Base layer” and “Overlays” in LayerSwitcher


I would like to change the name of "Base layer" and "Overlays" in my LayerSwitcher div to something else.

I've noticed that the div including the texts only has a class and no ID which means it's little bit tricky to access.

I managed to change "Base layer" name with

document.getElementById("layerswitcher").firstChild.firstChild.innerHTML = "new name";

but I don't like this solution. Best would be if I could define the names directly with OpenLayers functions. Is there one?

I read something about using language translations but it's not what I'm after.

Best Answer

OpenLayers doesn't really provide functions to directly manipulate the text of those controls, but there is a way that's slightly more direct:

  layerSwitcher = map.getControlsByClass("OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher")[0];

  layerSwitcher.baseLbl.innerText // (returns "Base Layer")
  layerSwitcher.dataLbl.innerText // (returns "Overlays")

You can just set those with:

  layerSwitcher.baseLbl.innerText = "YOUR NEW TEXT"
  layerSwitcher.dataLbl.innerText = "YOUR NEW OVERLAY TEXT"