[GIS] How to change page size in QGIS Composer


I've made a few maps in QGIS Composer and set them up initially as 8.5×11 page size. I want to begin with that layout and apply it to 11×17 page size. However when I change this in the Page Layout, only the page dimensions change. The symbol sizes should have changed as well but they look the same as if they were printed on an 8.5×11. The fonts also remain the same size in relation to the composer page. When the page is saved to PDF, Acrobat does not recognize that the page is 11×17 and still shows it as 8.5×11. Am I missing something?

Best Answer

For posterity (since I think I have discovered the issue here, or at least had a different one myself): there is a "Page Size" setting in the Layout>Page Setup dialog that does not modify the layout of the composition manager. I suspect that this is what you were talking about cndnflyr, since your description matches what I was doing (ineffectually) to a "T"... this merely modifies the printing properties of the composition.

What you want is the "Page Size" setting in the "Page Properties". In Q2.x, this setting was found at the top of the "Composition" tab; now in Q3.x, that tab has been renamed to "Layout" and the setting has been moved. You can still find the setting by right-clicking anywhere in the main frame of the Composition editor (like on your map) and click "Page Properties" from the resulting context menu here.

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