QGIS – How to Calculate the 3D Length of Line Segment in QGIS


I've been looking through all of the GRASS commands in the QGIS 2.10 processing toolbox and it seems like one of these must be able to do this but I haven't found one yet. There is 'v.sample' which can sample a DEM at a point location. Is there a way to do something similar to sample a DEM when calculating the length of a line segment?

Best Answer

You can also calculate the length of a line taking into account the topography the following way:

Use the "Profiles from line" (SAGA) tool, which adds points along the line, giving the length from the line start to each point ("DIST" as the length on a flat surface, "DIST_SURF" with heights included).

Select the point with the maximum length value with "extract by expression". If you have multiple lines, use this expression: "DIST_SURF" = maximum("DIST_SURF","LINE_ID"), which will extract the max. point for each line.

Then join these values back to the original line layer, taking only "DIST_SURF" from the point layer.

Admittedly it's not in GRASS but it still works.

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