ArcGIS SDK for iOS – How to Calculate New Point Coordinates from Distance and Angle


I want to calculate the coordinates of a new point.

What I have: The source point coordinates, the distance (meters) and the angle

For example: I want to create a point within 100 meters and 45 degree from my source point

I use wgs84 as coordinate system. My question now is if it's possible to calculate a new point with the given attributes above and when its possible how I can do that.

I use the ArcGIS iOS SDK, but I haven't found any method in there to solve my problem.

Best Answer

If the data you will be using is on the scale of the given example, you can treat the problem and Earth as flat without significant accuracy loss. If that does not violate your use case, then calculate the metric shift for both dimensions like you had a triangle and convert it back to degrees. The only tricky part is that the longitude degrees are not of constant length (narrowing from the equator to the poles) and you have to multiply them by the cosine of the (freshly computed) latitude to compensate before using them as a conversion factor. You end up with the coordinate shift in degrees, which you then just add to the first point's coordinates.