[GIS] How to calculate minimum cell value for a multi band raster


I'm a python-qgis beginner.

I use to work with multi-band rasters.
Each raster is made of images coming from satellite sensors acquired in different dates and stacked in order to build a multi temporal dataset.

Is it possible to produce a raster layer in which each pixel has the minimum value that this pixel reaches in all the bands?

I mean, it is possible to produce the "layer of temporal minimum" of the multi-band raster?

Best Answer

The tool you are looking for in QGIS is called r.series (GRASS GIS) using a minimum statistic. This is also available as a command line utility.

r.series - Makes each output cell value a function of the values assigned to the corresponding cells in the input raster map layers.

Processing Toolbox > GRASS GIS > Raster > r.series

enter image description here

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