[GIS] How to Calculate fields for attribute table using ModelBuilder


I am working with the ModelBuilder tool in ArcMap. I have created a simple model that takes the Strip Map Index Features as an input. I have added fields to the model to produce more fields in the attribute table. When I run my model, it works as the original Strip Map Index Features tool should work, however, in the attributes table, I see my fields that I added, but they are not being populated / calculated.

I am not sure how to calculate / populate these fields?

I have searched around the net for solutions but am not getting too may concrete answers as I am still pretty new to using ModelBuilder.

Best Answer

I was using ModelBuilder to create a tool for arcmap. I was basing my tool off of the Strip Map Index Features tool in ArcMap. I wanted to add extra fields to the attribute table. When my tool ran, I would look in the attribute table and saw that the fields were there, however, they weren't being populated with any values.

In my model, I had added the 'Add Field' tools but I hadn't added any 'Calculate Field' tools. Once I attached the 'Calculate Field' tools to my 'Add Field' tools, I was then able to open (double-click) the 'Calculate Field' tool to enter in a formula/expression/function. This helped add values to the fields in my attribute table.

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