[GIS] How to build tile server from Openstreetmap data for beginner


I am a beginner at GIS and I am developing a Java Application which needs a map. (The map would specifically be of just one city in the Philippines.) I have researched on different ways to do this and I have found that I will need a tile server to put the map because I need to be able to access this without the connection of the internet. I am a beginner and most of the tutorials I have seen have been complicated and have steps that I do not know how to do yet. Does anyone know of any tutorials or can help me start creating the tile server considering that I am a beginner at this?

Best Answer

There is a very good web site for beginners about OpenStreetMap world focused on people coming from other mapping services that could fit your question: http://switch2osm.org/serving-tiles/

But if you want to create some tiles to be served offline something like http://www.maptiler.org/ but it's focused on raster data.

If I had to do this I would probably take a look on TileMill to create the design and produce a MBTiles file and then convert it to a TMS file structure to be consumed by an OpenLayers or Leaflet in offline mode.

Yes, it's quite complicated and lot of new (but exciting!) stuff, sorry.