QGIS Style Legend – How to Automatically Format the Legend Labels in QGIS?


I have to do 10 maps (for a start) with "style" -> "graduate" with quantile mode.

I need to format the label of the different ranges so that the legend looks comprehensible:
Instead of having 1.0000 – 7.0000 I would like to have 1% – 7% without me typing.

In arcgis there is the possibility to format the labels. But I cannot seem to find anything similar in QGIS 1.8. Is it possible with some plugin or other QGIS version ?

Update some years later: the new version seems to have fixed the problem as the answer belows points out.

Best Answer

Three years late perhaps. But this can easily be done in QGIS 2.8, which is the current long term release, onwards.

You can set a legend format, "%1" and "%2" are used as place holders for the lower and upper limits of the range. Other characters can be inserted as needed.

There is also a option to limit the precision, so perhaps to 0 in your case.

enter image description here

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