[GIS] How to analyze Vegetation Index using Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery

remote sensingsentinel-1sentinel-snapvegetation-index

I am using the ESA open scientific data hub for Sentinel 1 SAR imagery (Interferometric Wide swath SLC VV polarization) and would like to know how to perform vegetation health analysis from this data? What tools are available for this using ESA's SNAP open source software?

Best Answer

No way to calculate NDVI from SAR imagery, like Sentinel-1 images(any polarisations). To calculate NDVI you could get 2 bands (Near Infrared and Red bands) from Sentinel-2 or Landsat-8.

So, about SAR. You just only can get some value about biomass or LAI (Leaf Area Index) and after that you can try to search some formulas to indexing vegetation for specific fields, agricultural, forests or something else.