[GIS] How to add HERE maps to ArcMap


I am trying to add an interactive map HERE to my ArcMap? I am using ArcGIS 10 and the path I have been following so far is through "Add WMS Server" (Catalog -> GIS Servers -> Add WMS Server). Unfortunately, this is not working for me. The way I see it, this can have two reasons:

  1. Did I do something wrong here ?
  2. This is not the way to go.

In case of the former, what is that I am doing wrong?

I am using the AppID and AppCode from my HERE developer account. I have tried different things for the URL. The last one I tried was simply https://www.here.com/?map=51.54916,5.64706,10,normal (I was running out of ideas). Usually it tells me there is a connection error.

Add WMS Server

In case of option 2, that this isn't the way to go, what should I do to display HERE maps in ArcMap? It surely isn't offered through Add Basemap/ArcGIS Online.

In QGIS it is possible to add HERE maps in multiple ways. See this post: HERE background maps in QGIS possible?
I hope there is a way around to get it fix in ArcMap as well.

I think that there is a third option, and that it isn't possible at all, period. But I sure hope somebody can tell me how I can get it done.

Best Answer

Option 1

I'm not sure you can add here.com using that dialog, it's specifically for OGC Web Map Services (WMS), but Here.com isn't as far as I can tell an OGC WMS.

Option 2

here.com exposes both a JavaScript API and a REST API, so you should be able to do something programmatically.