[GIS] How to add feature class from ESRI personal geodatabase (.mdb) in QGIS


How do you add a feature class in a ESRI personal gdb in qgis. I understand this can be done through the option add vector layer and select geodatabase. But what after that ? It doesn't allow me to browse through .

Best Answer

The personal geodatabase is a proprietary format so it always was hard to read with software other than ESRI. Things changed recently and the new version of the GDAL/OGR library (the one that QGIS -as many other software- uses to handle vector and raster data) has support (don't know yet how good) for the personal geodatabases. This new version (1.9) is already out, now you have to wait a little to have QGIS compiled against this GDAL/OGR version. As soon as GDAL/OGR 1.9 will show in the osgeo4w installer I'm almost sure that the QGIS available in the same installer will works with that GDAL version under the hood.