[GIS] How to add ArcObjects SDK into Visual Studio Express 2013

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I have just installed the ESRI SDK from the 10.0 installation Disk and downloaded the Visual Studio Express 2013 and I'm trying to work through the ESRI Walkthrough named "Building custom UI elements using add-ins". ( http://help.arcgis.com/en/sdk/10.0/arcobjects_net/conceptualhelp/index.html#/Walkthrough_Building_custom_UI_elements_using_add_ins/0001000001ms000000/ )

I am looking forward to using this new Add-in format of customization, but am struggling to overcome the transition from the easy to use VBA Editor to the visual studio IDE.

My hurdle right now is in the walkthough it shows templates in the 'new project' dialog for ArcGIS and various options for ArcMap Add-In and such. In the Visual Studio Express dialog these options aren't showing up. I guess I was expecting that when the SDK was installed they would show up here. Can anyone direct me on how to get those comparable templates to show up in Visual Studio Express 2103?

Here is a screenshot showing the differences ( red arrow of the ESRI templates, and blue circle of my current options through VSE2013)

enter image description here

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