[GIS] How to add a polyline segment created with Points to Lines tool to a feature class and apply that feature classes attributes to the line segment


I am a new ArcMap user transitioning from using AutoCAD.

I have created lines from a point shapefile and have broken them into segments. These segments need to have a specific attribute table attached to them with unique ID's.

I have created all of the line segment types as new polyline feature classes and have the appropriate attribute table correctly formatted for each line type. They are empty at this point.

What I need to do is to take the segments that I have and move them into the various feature classes so each segment has the 'classes attribute info. The ultimate goal is to have these segments correctly attributed for submission to a government agency.

I hope this description makes some sense.

I know that I can 'create features' and trace these segments but I was hoping to find a more efficient way.

Best Answer


If you want to transfer Point attributes to your Polyline features, you can use ArcMap's "Spatial Join" to accomplish this. This runs on all features in both feature classes. The Point feature must "touch" a Polyline feature for the join to take place. There is also an "Attribute Transfer Tool" where you must click the source feature and then click the destination feature for the transfer to occur. No batch mode and no Spatial relationship is required. The "Attribute Transfer Tool" has a dialog to define the field relationaships (what field values will be transfered to the destination feature class).