QGIS Source Field – How to Add a Comment to a Source Field in QGIS 3


How do I add a comment to a Field in the Layer Properties – Source Fields tab?
The documentation says "Comments can be added by clicking in the comment field of the column …", but clicking in the Comment Field or the Alias does not work.

However, I may add an Alias using the Attributes Form.

Example: Adding "Dato" as an Alias.
enter image description here
enter image description here

But, how may I add a comment (no. "Kommentar")?
I see Comment below Alias in the Attributes Form window, but the "text field" is missing?

Best Answer

A feature request has already been submitted for this issue:

Issue report #18411

At the moment, the only way to add comments is during field creation. But the comments are not saved. This is mentioned in the link by one the main developers, Matthias Kuhn:

... there is an editable field but its content is discarded right away and nowhere saved to. So IMO this is a GUI bug fix that it's now readonly and adding comments would be a feature request.

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