[GIS] How to add 3 axis orientation information to the photos


I have a survey project where I need to record not only the location, but the direction (bearing and angle of elevation/depression) that the camera was pointing at the time the picture was taken. Accuracy is not critical. +/- 10 degrees would do.

I would prefer not to have to buy a new camera.

I don't need another GPS. I need to use a handheld GPS to get to each photo spot anyway, and integrating the GPS info with the photos is an easy ExifTool script.

I don't want external cables. This is an all weather project in bushy terrain; cables catch on things, and require open port covers. Similarly I don't want 'big lumpy things' like FotoMapr. (Which also has GPS that I don't need.)

The ideal solution would be a device the size of a pair of stacked nickels that would attach to the camera's hot shoe. The device would have 3 axis so that I could get compass direction and elevation angle. It would record these along with a time stamp at the time the picture was taken. Calibration to turn raw data to true north, true elevation would happen at data merge time. The device would have a mini-USB port for calibration and data retrieval.

If it requires power, I'd like it to get it from the hot shoe, but battery is acceptable. The unit should have a cost under $100

I originally asked this over at the Photography exchange. They suggested I try here.

Rebuttal to Answer # 1

(Comments only allow 500 characters and no paragraphs.)

It's a bad solution:

  1. It does not record dip, but just uses a 3 axis magnetometer to correct for tilted camera angles.
  2. It has cables, and requires open ports on the camera.
  3. It sticks out. It will catch on brush.
  4. It's a GPS. I don't need to pay for another GPS.

The 3 axis compass is a single chip under 1 cm square. It retails on a 1 inch printed circuit board for $10 quantity 1. It should be possible to make one that would in essence be a bump on the flash shoe.

If it can't get a time sync from the camera, it would also need to have a clock chip. If it has a USB port, then it gets clock reset whenever attached to the computer. The computer could also use the amount of drift to apply a linear correction to the time stamp. So now our chip count is up to 4: Memory, USB controller, 3 axis magetometer, clock.

Best Answer

Theres an item called Solmeta Geotagger Pro, which you might want to take a look at, im not sure about the price.


We've used it, but had mixed results if you are not in the open, as the slightest interferences cause incorrect measurements. It is not usable in a car for example.