[GIS] How to access row from DBF table


I have got the following problem:
I would like to access a row from a DBF table. I have tried to access it through SearchCursor, but I am not able to do it without knowing the field name. This is my code:

# Create SearchCursor
rows = arcpy.SearchCursor("tabulka.gdb\zrazkove_uhrny")

# Get names of all fields
field_names = []
for field in sFields:

# Print all values of second row
for row in rows:
    print row.field_names[1]

This code works only if I know the name of a row which I don't. I don't even know the number of columns in the table. This code work only if I substitute row.field_names[1] with row.F2 (F2 is the name of the column).

My questions are:

  1. Is there a simpler way how to access values in DBF table?
  2. Is there a way how to access values in DBF table using SearchCursor and without knowing field (column) names?

Best Answer

You are approching this wrong. By doing row.field_names[1] you are asking python to give you the field_names method on the row object which there isn't one.

Try this:

field = arcpy.ListFields("tabulka.gdb\zrazkove_uhrny")[1]
name = field.name
for row in rows:
    print row.getValue(name)

I think you might even be able to do row.getValue(1) but I'm not sure as I don't have arcpy on hand. Any Arcpy experts want to confirm or deny that?