[GIS] How is a geographic heat map different from a colored statistical thematic map

heat mapterminologythematic map

From Wikipedia,

A heat map is a graphical representation of data where the individual
values contained in a matrix are represented as colors.

Apparently, a geographic heat map is only one kind, and this is the only kind relevant to me. Cartography is about geographic maps. In cartography, I often distinguish between topographic and thematic maps.

From Wikipedia,

A thematic map is a type of map or chart especially designed to show a
particular theme connected with a specific geographic area.

In thematic cartography, we can at least distinguish between types of thematic maps: statistical, color, choropleth, isopleth, dasymetric, point-symbol, and so on.

How is a geographic heat map any different from a colored statistical thematic map?

Best Answer

I think of 'heat map' as more of a density map created from points. Symbology is usually on a color ramp as opposed to more discrete chloropleth style symbology. That may not be the official definition, but works for me.