[GIS] how can i convert an excel table to a shapefile with correct scale in arcmap


i know that there is already one similar question to this one but my problem is different and none of the provided answers did resolve my problem.

i've an excel table with some rows and in each row there is the identification and the xy coordinates of an especific point. the xy coordinates were aquired with a gps and are in wgs84.

the data layer is in wgs84 too.

my problem is that every time and every way i try to import this data to a shapefile, the resulting points are perfect in form but at a ridiculous scale (1:0.89)…

exporting the table to dbf and using it gave the same result…

how can i make the data import in a way that the scale is correct?

thanks in advance =^)


if i use the "go to xy" tool to enter the coordinates of two points manually, using the values of x and y in the excel/dbf file, the two points appear in the right places and at the right distance (which implies a correct scale)…


excel file: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3639616/xls%20to%20shp.xls

the farthest points are codigo=394 and codigo=297, with about 26.3 km between them.

Best Answer

my problem is that every time and every way i try to import this data to a shapefile

Set your map document coordinate system to WGS84 then use the 'Add XY Data' tool to add the excel spreadsheet to the map; choose the same coordinate system and the X and Y fields. You can add a base map from ArcGIS online for visual reference. If this does not yield correct results you might want to take a closer look at the source data.

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