QGIS – How to Improve Grainy Hillshade Results


I have a problem with hillshade function: I've set 315 azimuth, 45 vertical angle and 1 Z factor, but the result is very bad…
The original dem file is a .geotiff from Global Data Explorer (Aster Global DEM V2). I would like to obtain a pretty hillshade, but I don't know what is wrong.

Here the original and the screen of the hillshade result. It's 1:660.000 scale

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

I think you are using Geographic CRS not Projected CRS. Usually this hillshade output is due to you are not using a projected DEM such as UTM projection with a meter unit. You need first to reproject your DEM from geographic to UTM (or any desired projection with meter unit) and use Bilinear or Cubic resampling.

You can see the difference between unprojected hillshade and projected hillshade in the image below :

enter image description here

To reproject the DEM data to UTM projection (as an example), go to Raster → Projections → Warp (Reproject)

enter image description here

  • Select the Input File (DEM File).
  • In the Output File: Give a new name to save the output
  • Source SRS is the spatial reference system of the source DEM. In this example, it is EPSG:4326 (it means WGS 84)
  • Check the Target SRS (the target projection): click on Select and choose UTM with correct zone or any desired projection with a meter unit
  • Resample Method: Select Bilinear or Cubic. Here Cubic is selected.
  • Click OK.
  • Use the projected DEM as an input to create a hillshade
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