[GIS] Height map free API


I need to recreate a landscape in 3D or real World areas by using WebGL technology.
The typical area I need to get height map for is about 1km x 1km and resolution should be as much accurate as possible.
Approach I'm thinking to follow is:

  1. Get the elevation map of the area I need in greyscale png format (or any other image formats) by providing center point lat, log
  2. Covert each image point into x,y,z coordinates
  3. Create and display my terrain 3D mesh

I'm OK with steps 2 and 3, but I don't know a service/API to query that can return such image height map with a suitable resolution.
I've looked at the Google API but it returns json/xml format info along a path not a square area.
Can you suggest any?

Best Answer

To date, the finest freely available Digital Elevation Model is SRTM. It's delivered from multiple sources (e.g. here (download URLs are very standard so it can easily be automated)), and comes in 5x5 degrees tiles. I don't know of any API to query spatial subsets.

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