[GIS] HeatMap to identify hotspots on cached service from ArcGIS Server

arcgis-javascript-apiarcgis-serverheat map

ArcGIS Server lets you create cached map services.
These can be consumed by various applications (ArcGIS Desktop, web apps, etc)
I would like to get an idea on which areas of my cache are getting hit the most.
I would like to visualise these results using a heat map overlaid onto the same cached map.
I was thinking of utilising something like the HeatMapsAPI and one of the APIs provided by ESRI (Javascript API should be sufficient)

I know the cached maps might be slightly changing at v10 of ArcGIS Server, but im trying to think of the best way of determining which tiles get requested the most without putting a significant load on either ArcGIS Server or the web server (IIS).

I was originally thinking looking at the actual cache directory under the arcgiscache folder, and perhaps hooking into the Date Accessed attribute (but have little idea on how to actually implement this).

I would like to hear from anyone who has experience with ArcGIS Server, on if they have any suggestions on how to do this?

Best Answer

The company I work for (Latitude Geographics) makes a product called Geocortex Optimizer that can do this for you.

It analyzes both your ArcGIS Server logs and your IIS logs to determine what parts of your maps are being requested:

Sample Heat Map

That's the results of some stress testing we did on it, so it's not as representative of the final result. (Normally you only get really "hot" zones over urban centers)

If you want more information, use the "Request a demo" function on our web site.

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