[GIS] Heat Maps in Google Earth Engine

google-earth-engineheat map

I have a set of points(lat, lon and other attributes) stored as an Asset in Google Earth Engine. I import this asset as a Feature Collection and visualize the points over Satellite Imagery in Google Earth Engine. I would like to generate a heat map from these points.

I searched extensively over the web, but could not find any resource elaborating on doing this in Google Earth Engine. I did come across this documentation https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/layer-heatmap of the Google Maps JS API that uses |google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayer|.

Is there an equivalent of this in Google Earth Engine?

Best Answer

There is not a heatmap function that I know of in Earth Engine but you can create your own using some neighborhood operations that are available in EE. Here is an example:

// 'fc' is the feature collection of points
var points = fc.map(function(feature){
  return feature.set('dummy',1);

function heatmap(fc,radius){
  var ptImg = points.reduceToImage(['dummy'],ee.Reducer.first()).unmask(0);
  var kernel = ee.Kernel.circle(radius);
  var result = ptImg.convolve(kernel);
  return result.updateMask(result.neq(0));

var heatmapImg = heatmap(points,20);

var gradient = ['lightgreen','yellow','red'];


And here is the link. I hope this helps!

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