[GIS] have gaps in OSM data


I just starting to work with raw-OSM data, so maybe my question is a very basic one.

When I download OSM data from Geofabrik I never get the same coverage of the polygons as in the rendered raster OSM data – at least for many areas.

In the screenshot below you see the rendered OSM data as background and the polygons of the downloaded raw-OSM data above. For some areas I get the polygons (the light-red colored area, transparent to see the rendered OSM data below), but you see e.g. the forest in the middle of the sceenshot and the farmland in the lower part which are missing in the raw-OSM data. Even the boundary between forest and agricultural area is not available (e.g. as Polyline in the .osm.pbf file).

Screenshot: Rendered OSM data (background) and raw-OSM data (only Polygons)

Being used to work with shapefiles, I would assume that all areal features like land use are provided as polygons. But this is not the case obviously. The alternative -which I do not beliefe to be true – would be that the raw data have gaps in it.

Can someone explain what I am doing wrong?


some technical details: I tried different data sets (meaning: different areas) and data formats (shapefiles, osm.pbf) but always have the same issue. I also tried to download OSM data via the OpenStreetMap plugin in QGIS.

Best Answer

If you want to have the same look as the background tiles, you have to use the same toolchain.

That requires to have a Postgis database filled with osm2pgsql.

The Openstreetmap plugin of QGIS has some limitations in the correct creation of multipolygons (although much better than the old plugin had some yers ago), and the ogr2ogr data provider used by "Add vector layer" has too.

The shapefiles from geofabrik are only a subset of the OSM database, with attention to roads. It might be that some kind of strange forest multipolygons are dropped there.

See this example for relation 3541951 missing in geofabrik shapefile detmold-regbez-latest.shp.zip:

enter image description here

Tagged as landuse=forest, but not in the landuse or natural layer.