[GIS] Greek characters are not displayed correctly in QGIS on Windows 8

encodeqgisshapefilewindows 8

I am working on a laptop with two operation systems. One Windows 8 and one with Ubuntu 12. In both systems I have installed QGIS and in Windows I also have the FME 2014. I am trying to load a shapefile which has attributes in Greek characters but while everything is displayed correctly in my Ubuntu installation, I get "strange" characters in my Windows system (both in FME and QGIS). The encoding of the shapefile is in UTF-8 and I have tested it in another PC with Windows 7 and it was displayed correctly.

I tried to save the shapefile and loading it again but this doesn't fix the problem. I am convinced that this must be related with my Windows installation but I don't know what I can do to fix it?

Best Answer

Dkar did you check your Windows encoding ? (CMD>>chcp). You wrote that on Win7 its ok, check this command on booth systems and compare results.