[GIS] Grass7 processing toolbox QGIS


I just now edited my Grass7Utils.py file. That didn't work. I have tried changing the path in my Processing toolbox.

QGIS 2.14.3 Mac OSX 10.11.5 I did not mess with my SIP despite running Capitan. This website claimed it was fixed https://github.com/OSGeo/homebrew-osgeo4mac/issues/118#issuecomment-200278686 (I got here from the website in #2 below)

What I have also done (sadly, I can't remember all of it):

  1. started here- QGIS GRASS Missing Dependancy

  2. compiled for macosx using homebrew (I got an error with the install –HEAD grass-71 command (no formulae found in taps). https://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Compiling_on_MacOSX_using_homebrew

  3. I have tried leaving the path empty in the processing window. I also set the path as: /usr/local/Cellar/grass-70/7.0.4 in my processing window.

  4. I installed the app from GRASS GIS for Mac website and then set my Processing path to: /Applications/GRASS-7.0.app/Contents/MacOS.

I am pulling out my hairs at this point. Almost ready to give up and just install on a VM. I'd much rather do this on the Mac though.

Best Answer

Before editing the file, you can control the path in the Python console

import processing 
import  processing.algs.grass7.Grass7Utils as ga 
# executable 
import os 
os.path.exists(ga.Grass7Utils.grassPath() + os.sep + 'grass70.sh')
ga.Grass7Utils.grassPath() + os.sep + 'grass.sh'

In the file Grass7Utils.py, this correspond to the lines

   folder = os.path.join(unicode(QgsApplication.prefixPath()), 'grass7')
   if not os.path.isdir(folder):
       folder = '/Applications/GRASS-7.0.app/Contents/MacOS'


if isMac() and os.path.exists(Grass7Utils.grassPath() + os.sep + 'grass70.sh'):
       command = Grass7Utils.grassPath() + os.sep + 'grass70.sh ' \
                + Grass7Utils.grassMapsetFolder() + '/PERMANENT'

If you use the M.Barton's solution (GRASS GIS for Mac) simply replace grass70.sh by grass.sh

enter image description here

if isMac() and os.path.exists(Grass7Utils.grassPath() + os.sep + 'grass.sh'):
       command = Grass7Utils.grassPath() + os.sep + 'grass.sh ' \
                + Grass7Utils.grassMapsetFolder() + '/PERMANENT'


You should be able to launch GRASS by typing in the terminal /Applications/GRASS-7.0.app/Contents/MacOS/grass.sh

enter image description here

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