[GIS] GRASS r.reclass QGIS 2.14. error: “the following layers were not correctly generated”


I am getting a strange error message when running the GRASS r.reclass algorithm.
The error states that:

"The following layers were not correctly generated
You can check the log message to find more information about the execution of the algorithm. "

After having read the log-file a couple of times, I am none the wiser.

All that I found were a couple of error messages…
"illegal latitude for north"
"Invalid input"
"Raster map not found"

If any of you have any idea what the reason is why the algorithm is not functioning correctly, please…let me know.
See below for screenshots of log-file and re-class file.
r.reclass input parameters

r.reclass log file

reclass text file

error log after using NEW input parameters. still no succes

New screen shots. I ran the r.reclass algorithm using different input parameters, but to no avail. (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax = -180,179,-64,90)

Best Answer

The error report tell you that that you have entered illegal parameters. enter image description here

The values cant be over +/-180 for X and +/-90 for Y In the tool box, try setting the xmin and ymax to -180 and 90 respectively.

Since the GRASS tool takes these attributes from the layers, it might hint that there might be an underlying error with the source layer's CRS or extents.