[GIS] Google Streetview API overlays


Does anyone know if I can draw georeferenced polygons in the streetview api. I'm curious to know if anyone has successfully tried this. I see that custom overlays are allowed but I'm not sure if this includes polygons, shapefiles, or tiled map caches.


Best Answer

Geometries especially polygons will be are to place in Streetview mode (Earth API would be better).

But Images can be overlayed into streetview

This simple demo shows how to display an image overlay over a streetview and sync its movement (approximately) as the street view POV (point of view) changes

This source is available from 'http://teammaps.com/'


var svo = null;

// the main application object
function SVO()
    // Trafalgar Square
    this.lat = 51.507768;
    this.lng = -0.127957;
    this.zoom = 16;

    this.slat = 51.507527;
    this.slng = -0.128652;

    this.image = "img/slidecat.gif";

    this.pt = new google.maps.LatLng(this.lat, this.lng);
    this.streetPt = new google.maps.LatLng(this.slat, this.slng);

    // initial POV
    this.sheading = 69.58;
    this.spitch = 0;
    this.szoom = 1;

    this.distance = 0;  // distance in metres from street view to marker
    this.maximumDistance = 200;     // distance beyond which marker is hidden

    // dimensions of street view container (fixed)
    this.panWidth = 480;
    this.panHeight = 480;

    // dimensions of marker container (resized according to current pov)
    this.markerWidth = 120;
    this.markerHeight = 80;

// create map
SVO.prototype.m_initMap = function ()
    var mapDiv = eid("mapDiv");

    var mapOptions =
        center: this.pt,
        zoom: this.zoom,
        mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
        scaleControl: true,
        mapTypeControl: false

    map = new google.maps.Map(mapDiv, mapOptions);

// create street view
SVO.prototype.m_initPanorama = function ()
    var visible = false;
    var l_panDiv = eid("panDiv");

    // controls can be hidden here to prevent the position being changed by the user
    var l_panOptions =
        // zoomControl: false,
        // linksControl: false

    l_panOptions.position = this.streetPt;
    l_panOptions.pov =
        heading: this.sheading,
        pitch: this.spitch,
        zoom: this.szoom

    pan = new google.maps.StreetViewPanorama(l_panDiv, l_panOptions);


    // event handlers    
    google.maps.event.addListener(pan, 'pov_changed', function ()

    google.maps.event.addListener(pan, 'zoom_changed', function ()

    google.maps.event.addListener(pan, 'position_changed', function ()
        svo.streetPt = pan.getPosition();



function Marker(p_name, p_icon, p)
    this.m_icon = "";

    this.pt = null;
    this.m_pov = null;

    this.m_pixelpt = null;

// convert the current heading and pitch (degrees) into pixel coordinates
SVO.prototype.m_convertPointProjection = function (p_pov, p_zoom)
    var l_fovAngleHorizontal = 90 / p_zoom;
    var l_fovAngleVertical = 90 / p_zoom;

    var l_midX = this.panWidth / 2;
    var l_midY = this.panHeight / 2;

    var l_diffHeading = this.sheading - p_pov.heading;
    l_diffHeading = normalizeAngle(l_diffHeading);
    l_diffHeading /= l_fovAngleHorizontal;

    var l_diffPitch = (p_pov.pitch - this.spitch) / l_fovAngleVertical;

    var x = l_midX + l_diffHeading * this.panWidth;
    var y = l_midY + l_diffPitch * this.panHeight;

    var l_point = new google.maps.Point(x, y);

    return l_point;

// create the 'marker' (a div containing an image which can be clicked)
SVO.prototype.m_initMarker = function ()
    var l_markerDiv = eid("markerDiv");
    l_markerDiv.style.width = this.markerWidth + "px";
    l_markerDiv.style.height = this.markerHeight + "px";

    var l_iconDiv = eid("markerDiv");
    l_iconDiv.innerHTML = "<img src='" + this.image + "' width='100%' height='100%' alt='' />";


SVO.prototype.m_updateMarker = function ()
    var l_pov = pan.getPov();
    if (l_pov)
        var l_zoom = pan.getZoom();

        // scale according to street view zoom level
        var l_adjustedZoom = Math.pow(2, l_zoom) / 2;

        // recalulate icon heading and pitch now
        this.sheading = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeHeading(this.streetPt, this.pt)
        this.distance = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeDistanceBetween(this.streetPt, this.pt);

        var l_pixelPoint = this.m_convertPointProjection(l_pov, l_adjustedZoom);

        var l_markerDiv = eid("markerDiv");

        var l_distanceScale = 50 / this.distance;
        l_adjustedZoom = l_adjustedZoom * l_distanceScale;

        // _TODO scale marker according to distance from view point to marker 
        // beyond maximum range a marker will not be visible

        // apply position and size to the marker div
        var wd = this.markerWidth * l_adjustedZoom;
        var ht = this.markerHeight * l_adjustedZoom;

        var x = l_pixelPoint.x - Math.floor(wd / 2);
        var y = l_pixelPoint.y - Math.floor(ht / 2);

        l_markerDiv.style.display = "block";
        l_markerDiv.style.left = x + "px";
        l_markerDiv.style.top = y + "px";
        l_markerDiv.style.width = wd + "px";
        l_markerDiv.style.height = ht + "px";

        // hide marker when its beyond the maximum distance
        l_markerDiv.style.display = this.distance < this.maximumDistance ? "block" : "none";
        // glog("distance = " + Math.floor(this.distance) + " m (" + l_markerDiv.style.display + ") distance scale = " + l_distanceScale + " l_adjustedZoom = " + l_adjustedZoom);

        eid("markerInfo").innerHTML = "lat: " + formatFloat(this.streetPt.lat(), 6) + " lng: " + formatFloat(this.streetPt.lng(), 6) + " distance: " + Math.floor(this.distance) + " m";

// display a message when the user clicks on the marker's div
function markerClick()
    eid("markerInfo").innerHTML = "<h2>Meow !!!</h2>";

function loadPage()
    svo = new SVO();

// utils
function eid(id)
    return document.getElementById(id);

function glog(a)
    if (typeof (console) != "undefined" && console && console.log)

function formatFloat(n, d)
    var m = Math.pow(10, d);
    return Math.round(n * m, 10) / m;

function normalizeAngle(a)

    while (a > 180)
        a -= 360;

    while (a < -180)
        a += 360;

    return a;