[GIS] Google maps satellite view Pricing and limitations

google mapssatellite

This script at openstreetmap shows how one can use google's Satellite view as a layer on top of others.

I noticed that to do so, one does not need to supply any API key. Does that mean that there are no limitation to the number of satellite views requests one can do?

In my case, I would like to use leaflet to display layers from both mapbox and google's Satellite view. But the cost of using the later is unclear!

I hope I made my point clear enough!

Thank you.

Best Answer

Google's licensing terms for the maps API is laid out here. There is a limitation on the number of map views, 25,000 according to this FAQ, but that's quite large even in the free version. That page shows you the restrictions based on the two options::

  • Google Maps API: "Your service must be freely and publicly accessible to end users."
  • Google Maps API for Business: where you pay based on the type of application (OEM, asset tracking, location planning). Minimum pricing is $10,000 per year, but that could change (up or down). (I got the pricing information from a Google business rep. My company purchased the service.)

With the maps service they also provide:

Distance Matrix


Directions Web Service


Route Optimization


Styled Maps


Earth Plug-in


Reverse Geocoding
