[GIS] google map api v3 large/complex polygons

google mapsgoogle-fusion-tableskmlpolygon

I have quite some large/complex polygons I'd like to overlay on a Google map. I can do this but wondered what the best/fastest way is to load them?

I have tried using a KML but understand there are some limitations on size and the number you can load. Also I've looked at fusion tables but again they have limitations.

I'm thinking about storing the polygons in JSON files split into region A, B, C, etc… then limit the zoom level so that only certain polygons would be visible at one time then only fetching those.

Suggestions welcome.

Thanks Andy

Best Answer

I had a similar problem and used a kml parser (geoxml3) to locally parse a kml. I later ended up storing each kml file as a database table and looping through the records to plot a polygon. Loading the kml from a server was the slowest of all.