[GIS] Google fusion tables: Fill in lon/lat columns via geocoded address

googlegoogle maps

I have a list of 100 companies that I want to geocode. I have all of their addresses but none of their lon/lat coordinates.

I have three columns related to location:

  1. Address
  2. Longitude
  3. Latitude

Is it possible that when file->geocode is clicked (relating to the address column) that it fills in the longitude and latitude columns with the coordinates? I can then read these columns from there on in avoiding the need to geocode again.


On further research it's seems I have to store the geocoded result in a database… not fusion tables as it doesn't seem possible with how I want it to work.

Best Answer

Edit: That's not possible with google because you are not allowed by the license to store the geocoding results (http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/geocoding/#Limits) (see comments)

One alternative option is to use the CloudMade Geocoding based on OpenStreetMap data. It has a Python API that you can use to get the coordinates, than you can easily output a simple delimited text file to be imported into fusion tables.

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