[GIS] Good resources on geocoding algorithms


Do you know of any good resources on geocoding algorithms?

I am particularly interested in address query parsing, including matching and weighting parts of the query, dealing with misspellings and variations, as well as in details about the physical data storage (e.g. schemas for direct relational database queries, approaches to data indexing etc.).

I have studied some documents about ArcGIS 10 geocoding, but they touch the actual implementation details just a little. Detailed documentation of other high-quality production implementations could also be helpful. The more technical the better. Theoretical algorithm papers are also great.

Best Answer

From Text to Geographic Coordinates: The Current State of Geocoding

Daniel W. Goldberg, John P. Wilson, and Craig A. Knoblock Abstract: This article presents a survey of the state of the art in geocoding practices through a cross-disciplinary historical review of existing literature. We explore the evolving concept of geocoding and the fundamental components of the process. Frequently encountered sources of error and uncertainty are discussed as well as existing measures used to quantify them. An examination of common pitfalls and persistent challenges in the geocoding process is presented, and the traditional methods for overcoming them are described.

PDF (page 34 onwards) http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

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